Escalante, UT


Editor's Note: The following is pulled from my journal that I kept while I was camping out West I took a private photography tour in a canyon in Escalante, UT.  My tour guide, Rick, was just incredible (and super nice guy)!

We had loaded up the jeep full of gear.  Rick sat me down to have the ‘safety chat’, and after going through all logistics he informed me, “I found this canyon a little over a week ago and you’re the first ever photographer to go and take pictures!” I was speechless.

After driving miles down a dirt road (which my little rental car would have never made it through), we had a good 30 min hike to get to the canyon. “I think I’m gonna name it Sambeau, after my dog.” he said. (How cool is it that he actually puts canyons on the map and gets to name them?!)

Once we got into the canyon, we were in some tight spaces!  I put holes in my shorts and my backpack from sliding down and rubbing against the rock walls.  My tripod in particular was difficult to maneuver in such a small space.  Rick was patient and allowed me all the time I wanted in the canyons, and I had an absolute blast!

This was an awesome day. Thanks Rick!!

Not a lot of work space.  Rick took this picture of me when I was prepping to take this photo (you might recognize it)....
